According to many studies, many minerals and trace elements are vital for one’s health and for avoiding sickness. Adequate amounts of these minerals such as magnesium as well as trace elements like selenium, zinc, copper, and others are required for optimal immune function, and individuals who may be deficient in these trace elements may be at risk. Unfortunately, most individuals do not take enough of these essential minerals and trace elements from the diet due to industrial over farmed farming. Furthermore, as people age, the body needs for these essential minerals and trace elements increase while certain factors such as the presence of a chronic sickness or ingesting certain medications can aggravate an existing mineral deficiency.

Many compelling studies exist demonstrating that minerals and trace elements deficiency impair immunity, resulting in increased sickness, infection and reduced quality of life.

We believe that the StamiLyte Concentrate could really boost your immune system but always best to check with your doctor first.

As we all know nowadays farming is done on an industrial scale and the land is getting depleted especially from the trace elements which are vital to keep us strong and healthy. Many of the trace elements are used as cofactors in hormones and enzymes. If the body is deficient in these essential trace elements it could lead to diseases. For example a lack of Iodine leads to thyroid problems.

Using StamiLyte Concentrate In Cooking.

Our StamiLyte Concentrate has some salt in it and has all the 21 essential minerals and trace elements. Each 10ml of StamiLyte Concentrate has around 1500mg (1.5g) of salt, minerals and trace elements.

For Stews and Soups you can add it directly. For salads, fish and meats you can spray it on and around the food.

Sea Salt is really contaminated with micro plastics and many other pollutants. StamiLyte comes from pure underground artesian springs which are around 18 million years old. Salt is NOT rich in minerals like StamiLyte. During the salt making process different minerals precipitate out of the brine at different times leaving the salt very deficient in minerals and trace elements.

Since StamiLyte is NOT processed and its totally natural it has the full spectrum of all the 21 essential minerals and trace elements.

There are many myths and stories about healing springs and fountains of youth. Many of you heard about the miraculous water which flows from a spring in the Grotto of Massabielle in the Sanctuary of Our Lady of Lourdes, France and the 1000s of documented cures. I believe there is some truth in this. The secret sauce is in the minerals in these waters especially the trace elements. Many are transdermal meaning they can go through the skin. Another important factor is that the minerals and trace elements in these mineral waters are ionic which means the body and skin can absorb them much quicker and efficient.

A Healing Spring

Nowadays we know that many of our hormones and enzymes need these trace elements even in small amounts as catalyst cofactors meaning they make your hormones and enzymes much more efficient. So if you lack one of these 21 essential minerals and trace elements your body does not work properly and could lead to disease. I sometimes spend time with farmers and see sheep that could not walk look very weak. Once they give them a mineral injection within minutes they are running around within minutes. Truly miraculous!

So to answer your question yes I really believe that these mineral springs are truly amazing and can transform a person within minutes especially if they are missing some of these trace elements due to bad diet, depleted industrial food production and aging. As we age our stomach acids are weaker so we are not as efficient in digesting food and absorbing nutrients.

How are Minerals and Trace Elements Beneficial to your Health?

We believe StamiLyte hast the secret sauce for staying young and healthy. This is because it feeds your body all the 21 essential minerals and trace elements it needs. These building blocks are co-factors to maintaining your hormone and enzyme balance. As a result they keep your organs and skin healthy and shiny. Some of the minerals and trace elements in the StamiLyte Concentrate are trans-dermal. As a result they will pass through your skin and nourish it.

StamiLyte minerals and trace elements improves the look and feel of your skin
Beautiful shiny skin when StamiLyte applied to the skin.

Composition of Minerals and Trace Elements in StamiLyte

More information about the importance of trace elements within StamiLyte in the body can be found here.

Try StamiLyte for yourself. You can buy it direct from us through our online store.

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